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saying no

Is your toddler driving you crazy?

· The toddler years are trying for a parent. One minute they are sweet and adorable and the next they erupt in emotions that make it hard for us to keep a cool head and warm heart. Whether you parent a toddler or anyone who behaves like one, this will help you to steer the ship during the big storms ·

“I can’t take it anymore” This mum had had enough of her son’s volatile outbursts and hurtful language. One minute he would stroke her face lovingly, and the next he…

Go to sleeeeep

· Bedtime is often a family's stress zone. Is there a magic formula to putting kids to bed? What's the 'right' routine? And how do I get my child to sleep? While there is no one size fits all approach to this aspect of family life - doing these 3 things is going get your child to want to cooperate with you ·

For those of us with children under 10 bedtime is often the most dreaded part of the day. You may even feel yourself tensing up as you take your first…


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