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What mask do you ask your child to wear?

· Although children might frustrate us for not listening, they rarely fail to adopt our inner and outer critic. What they see us judging in ourselves and others, becomes the very thing they struggle to accept about themselves or others. Let me share with you how you can begin to relax yours and your child's inner critic ·

The idea that we influence how our child meets the world, is perhaps not a foreign one. After all, as a responsible parent, we do see it as our job…

Are you dreading your child’s reaction?

· There is more to saying no than merely uttering this two letter word. The fact that our child's reaction is out of our control can make it tempting to stretch further than we actually want to in the pursuit of keeping the peace. But - there is a price to pay ·

If you were to be given a coin for every time your child asks you a question that requires you to say yes or no – and often RIGHT NOW…

Three reasons threats don’t work as a motivation strategy

· You might think to yourself; threats never did me any harm when I stepped out line. So what's the big problem? The thing is, threats work in the here and now but don't give you what you ultimately yearn for ·

I think very few parents can say they’ve never given a threat when faced with a child who just WILL NOT listen. After all, most of us were raised in…


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