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Is your child attention seeking?

· How you interpret your child's behaviour hugely influences how you respond and what your child ultimately comes to think of himself. There is often more to 'attention seeking' behaviour than meets the eye. Viewing your child's behaviour in a new light is the key to less conflict and better cooperation. ·

“He’s just doing it to get your attention” You may have heard this type of comment from your partner, parents or friends whenever your child is behaving in ways that…

3 tips to combat sibling rivalry

· Possibly the most volatile relationship of all. Siblings express the whole palette of emotions in the space of minutes. One minute they laugh and look like the best of friends - and the next they literally want to destroy each other. What is this about? And how can we as parents support this relationship? ·

Witnessing your children getting on, laughing together and chatting as if they were the best of friends is possibly one of the best feelings in the world. For a moment,…


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