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What mask do you ask your child to wear?

· Although children might frustrate us for not listening, they rarely fail to adopt our inner and outer critic. What they see us judging in ourselves and others, becomes the very thing they struggle to accept about themselves or others. Let me share with you how you can begin to relax yours and your child's inner critic ·

The idea that we influence how our child meets the world, is perhaps not a foreign one. After all, as a responsible parent, we do see it as our job to teach our child to look people in the eye, be polite, say please and thank you and be grateful when someone gives them something….

The REAL reason we get locked into conflict with our partner and child

“You always work“ You never listen” “It’s so unfair I always have to do everything?“ Whether or not these are accusations said about you by your child or your partner – they usually mark the beginning of one thing for most of us: CONFLICT. The power of our inner dragon Our inner dragon awakens –…

Whose script does your family live by?

· Often it is not our own. Bombarded with expert advice on everything from our sex life to co-sleeping it is little wonder it can be hard to feel like a 'good enough mum'. ·

Few things attract more opinion and give rise to more debate than does parenthood and family life. With social media at our finger tips and expert advice, statistics and studies on ‘right parenting’ and the recipe for a good marriage filling every lifestyle magazine – it is perhaps little wonder that we often loose contact…


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