Are you dreading your child’s reaction?

· There is more to saying no than merely uttering this two letter word. The fact that our child's reaction is out of our control can make it tempting to stretch further than we actually want to in the pursuit of keeping the peace. But - there is a price to pay ·

If you were to be given a coin for every time your child asks you a question that requires you to say yes or no – and often RIGHT NOW…

Three reasons threats don’t work as a motivation strategy

· You might think to yourself; threats never did me any harm when I stepped out line. So what's the big problem? The thing is, threats work in the here and now but don't give you what you ultimately yearn for ·

I think very few parents can say they’ve never given a threat when faced with a child who just WILL NOT listen. After all, most of us were raised in…

Is your child attention seeking?

· How you interpret your child's behaviour hugely influences how you respond and what your child ultimately comes to think of himself. There is often more to 'attention seeking' behaviour than meets the eye. Viewing your child's behaviour in a new light is the key to less conflict and better cooperation. ·

“He’s just doing it to get your attention” You may have heard this type of comment from your partner, parents or friends whenever your child is behaving in ways that…

Go to sleeeeep

· Bedtime is often a family's stress zone. Is there a magic formula to putting kids to bed? What's the 'right' routine? And how do I get my child to sleep? While there is no one size fits all approach to this aspect of family life - doing these 3 things is going get your child to want to cooperate with you ·

For those of us with children under 10 bedtime is often the most dreaded part of the day. You may even feel yourself tensing up as you take your first…


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